Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > Model Repository Multimaster Component monitoring

Model Repository Multimaster Component monitoring

The Model Repository Multimaster Component is a Java program responsible for keeping multiple Model Repositories synchronized and propagating changes for the originating Model Repository to all other Model Repository databases.

Model Repository Multimaster Component port

The Model Repository Multimaster Component uses port 5678.

Monitoring processes for the Model Repository Multimaster Component

On Linux, execute the command on the server where you installed the Infrastructure Component bundle:

# ps auxwww | grep -v grep | grep vault | grep -v twist

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

root  28662  0.0  0.0  2284  532  ?  S  Sep27  0:00  /opt/opsware//bin/

python /opt/opsware//pylibs/shadowbot/etc/daemonizer.pyc
--runpath /var/opt/opsware/vault --cmd /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/java -classpath /opt/opsware/vault/classes:/opt/opsware/vault ...... -ms120m -mx1024m
-DCONF=/etc/opt/opsware/vault/ com.loudcloud.vault.Vault

root  28663  0.0  6.3  1285800  130896  ?  S  Sep27  5:32  /opt/opsware/

j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/java -classpath /opt/opsware/vault/classes:/opt/opsware/vault ...... -ms120m -mx1024m
-DCONF=/etc/opt/opsware/vault/ com.loudcloud.vault.Vault

Model Repository Multimaster Component logs

The Model Repository Multimaster Component logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/vault/vault.n.log

To configure the log file name, log file size, or logging level, perform the following steps.

  1. Select the Administration tab in the SA Client.
  2. In the navigation pane select System Configuration > Configuration Parameters. This displays the SA components, facilities, and realms that have system configuration parameters.
  3. In the list of SA components, select Model Repository, Multimaster Component. This displays the system configurations for that component.
  4. Locate and modify the log, logLevel or logsize configuration parameters, as needed.
  5. Select the Revert button to discard your changes or the Save button to save your changes.