Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > Web Services Data Access Engine monitoring

Web Services Data Access Engine monitoring

The Web Services Data Access Engine provides increased performance to other SA components.

The Web Services Data Access Engine component is installed as part of the Slice Component bundle.

Web Services Data Access Engine port

The Web Services Data Access Engine uses port 1032.

The Command Center component communicate with the Web Services Data Access Engine on port 1026 (a private loopback port).

Web Services Data Access Engine URL


Web Services Data Access Engine logs

The Web Services Data Access Engine logs are in the following files:




/var/log/opsware/twist/server.log* (Application level logging)



The stdout.log files contain stdout and stderr and logs the output of any System.out.println(), System.err.println() and e.printStackTrace() messages; however, only some of the exceptions will show up in these logs. The number of files and the size of each file can be configured via twist.conf. Additional logs are created when the specified maximum file size is reached. The stdout.log is the most recent, and stdout.log.1 through stdout.log.5 are progressively older files. The file is also rotated on startup.

The twist.log file contains WebLogic-specific messages and WebLogic level exceptions. These files are rotated on startup. Monitor the twist.log files for exceptions that indicate when the Web Services Data Access Engine (Twist) component failed to start correctly. If errors are encountered during Model Repository (Truth) connection setup, errors are logged in the twist.log files; for example, you might see the following error message:

####<Oct 14, 2006 1:37:43 AM UTC> <Error> <JDBC> <localhost.localdomain> <twist> <main> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <BEA-001150> <Connection Pool "TruthPool" deployment failed with the following error:

<Specific message, such as Oracle error codes and tracebacks>

The access.log file contains access information in common log format. These files are rotated when the file reaches 5MB in size.

The server.log files contain application level exceptions and debug messages generated from the Web Services Data Access Engine. The server.log files will also contain errors resulting from Model Repository (Truth) connection setup problems. The debug messages are controlled by the log level set at the package or class level in the twist.conf file. The number of files and the size of each file can both be configured via twist.conf. The server.log.0 is always the current file, while server.log.9 is the oldest.

The boot.log file contains information on the initial stdout and stderr messages generated when the Web Services Data Access Engine starts. In addition, the boot.log file contains the output from Kill QUIT commands.

The watchdog.log file records the status of the Web Services Data Access Engine once every minute.