Spoke monitoring

The Spoke is the back-end component of the SA Client. The Spoke, a Java RMI server, provides access to the files in the OGFS and provides access to run commands inside an OGFS session.

The Spoke uses port 8020.

Monitoring Processes for the Spoke

On Linux, execute the command on the server running the Slice Component bundle:

# ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep spoke

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

root  29191  1  0  Aug28  ?  01:12:11  /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/

java -server -Xms32m -Xmx256m -Dbea.home=/opt/opsware/spoke/etc -Dspoke.home=/opt/opsware/spoke

On Linux, the Spoke component has a single, running Java process.

Spoke logs

The Spoke logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/spoke/spoke-*.log
  • /var/log/opsware/spoke/stdout.log