Administer > SA Provisioning > OS sequence-based provisioning > Setting up the Media Server > Configuring the Media Server for Oracle Sun Solaris 10

Configuring the Media Server for Oracle Sun Solaris 10

  1. Download the Solaris 10 images to the core.
  2. Connect to the core as root using ssh (you will need to run mount commands).
  3. Create a temporary folder for loop mounting the images.
  4. Create a directory under the media server’s Linux media path. The Linux media path is a NFS share configured during the core install.
  5. Mount the first image read only:

    mount -o loop,ro sol-10-u4-ga-x86-v1.iso <tmp_mount_dir>

  6. Change to the temporary directory:

    cd <tmp_mount_dir>

  7. Issue the command:

    tar cf - . |(cd /media/opsware/sunos/Solaris10/ && tar xfps -)

  8. cd out of the temporary directory.
  9. Unmount the temporary directory:

    umount <tmp_mount_dir>

  10. Repeat steps from 5 to 9 for the remaining 4 images.
  11. You can now import the media using the Import Media tool.