Administer > SA Provisioning > OS sequence-based provisioning > Setting up the Media Server > Configuring the Media Server for SUSE Linux or SUSE Enterprise Linux OS media

Configuring the Media Server for SUSE Linux or SUSE Enterprise Linux OS media

SUSE Linux 9

  1. Create the following directory structure:











  2. Copy the contents of the first SUSE Linux 9 CD1 to the sles9/suse/CD1 directory.

The directory numbering does not match the CD numbering which can be confusing, so be sure you are copying the contents of the CDs into the correct directories.

  1. Copy the contents of the second SUSE Linux 9 CD2 to the sles9/core/CD1 directory.
  2. Copy the contents of the third SUSE Linux 9 CD3 to the sles9/core/CD2 directory. Continue this sequence until all the CDs have been copied to their respective directories.
  3. In the sles9 directory create the following symbolic links:

    ln -s sles9/suse/CD1/boot boot

    ln -s sles9/suse/CD1/media.1 media.1

    ln -s sles9/suse/CD1/content content

    ln -s sles9/suse/CD1/control.xml control.xml

  4. Using an editor, create the instorder file in the yast directory. It should contain the following information:



  5. Using an editor, create the order file in the yast directory. It should contain the following information:

    /suse/CD1 /suse/CD1

    /core/CD1 /core/CD1

SUSE Linux 9 with Support Pack

You will need all nine SUSE CDs, three contain the Support Pack and six FCS CDs. Follow the standard installation steps above first then complete the following tasks:

  1. Add the following directories:




  2. Copy the contents from the SP3 CD1, CD2, and CD3 to sles9/CD1, sles9/CD2, and sles9/CD3, respectively.
  3. Modify the instorder and order files to include the sp3 directory you added in the preceding step at the top of each file.







    /sp3/CD1 /sp3/CD1

    /suse/CD1 /suse/CD1

    /core/CD1 /core/CD1

  4. Log on as root to the repository server and create the following additional symbolic links:

    ln -s sp3/CD1/driverupdate driverupdate

    ln -s sp3/CD1/linux linux

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

As of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 it is no longer necessary to use the above procedures. You can install everything into a single directory.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

You can install everything into a single directory, however, it is important that you copy the contents of the second SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 DVD into the directory first, then copy the contents of the first SUSE DVD into the same directory.

More SUSE Linux information

For more information on SUSE linux installations, see:


For more information on AutoYaST Module development, see:


For more information about development and documentation links for AutoYaST for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9, 10 and 11 see:


For AutoYaST Documentation from OpenSUSE, see:


If required, for information on how to deal with multiple sources, see
