Install an agent

Perform the following tasks to install an Agent on an unmanaged server.

Obtaining the Agent Installer package

The Agent needs administrator-level privileges (root on UNIX servers and Local System on Windows servers) to manage a server. Therefore, Agent installation needs to be performed as root on UNIX operating systems and as administrator on Windows operating systems.

You can install an agent on any server listed in the SA Support and Compatibility Matrix.

Perform the following steps to download an Agent Installer for an unmanaged server.

From the Command Line

  1. Log into the unmanaged server using a remote shell. On UNIX, log in as root. On Windows, log in as administrator.
  2. Locate the appropriate Agent Installer on a core server
  3. From the command line: in the directory/var/opt/opsware/agent_installers. Each operating system version has a different package for the Agent Installer.


    Red Hat Linux:


    Note that Red Hat may use the terms Client and Desktop interchangeably.

  4. From the directory where the Agent Installer was copied, run the Installer by entering the correct executable and options for the installation environment. The options are listed under Agent Installer options .

From the SA Client

If you do not have remote shell access to the SA Core from an unmanaged server, you may need to manually export the Agent Installer package locally on SA Core machine and copy it to the unmanaged server. To export the Agent Installer package, perform the following tasks.

  1. Launch the SA Client.
  2. From the Navigation pane, select Library > Packages.
  3. Select the appropriate operating system from those listed under packages as shown in the following figure.

    Selecting an Agent Installer Package

    Select the SA Agent. The filename will be in the format:


    Red Hat Linux:

    Note that Red Hat may use the terms Client and Desktop interchangeably.


  4. Click the package name for the Agent Installer that you want to export. From the Actions menu, select Export Software. The Browse window appears.
  5. In the Browse window, specify the download location for the package and Click Export. The package is exported to the specified location.
  6. Copy the Agent Installer to the target server.

Example: Agent Installer command and options

The following example command installs the server agent on a Solaris 5.10 server in the default directories, connects to the gateway on the server using port 2010, and logs the results of the installation in the log file named agent.log:

% opsware-agent- --logfile agent.log --loglevel info


Agent Installer options

Use the options listed below with the Agent Installer command. You must use either the --opsw_gw_addr option or the --no_opsw_gw option. All others are optional.

Agent Installer options




Specifies the complete path to the file that contains the trusted authorities in PEM format.


Install initialization scripts in the proper location for the core server.

--customer_id <customer>

Assigns the managed server to the specified customer. This option requires the --username and --password options. For more information about customers see Create and managing customers.


Deletes the list of gateway addresses.


Forces the Agent to be installed even if environment check errors occur. This option is useful when the server is not connected to an SA core.

When using the -f option, you must run the Agent installer as root on Unix operating systems and as the administrator on Windows operating systems.


Specifies the fingerprint of the core certificate.

If you specify a value for this option, the Agent installer will verify that the Certificate Authority certificate used to sign the core's SSL certificate matches the value you provided. Specifying a value for this option increases security during the Agent installation process by ensuring that the Agent attaches itself to the correct core.

To obtain the correct value for the core certificate fingerprint option, log on to the core as root (you may need to have an SA System Administrator perform this task for you) and run the following command:

/opt/opsware/bin/openssl x509 -in /var/opt/opsware/crypto/agent/opsware-ca.crt -fingerprint -noout

The output looks like the following:

SHA1 Fingerprint=D2:3B:F8:72:B9:55:0D: DE:97:04:D5:C2:A5:6B:B2:09:5C:0A:0D:7F

The fingerprint is the string of hexadecimal numbers following the equal sign:



Causes a full hardware registration to be performed on the server after the Agent is installed. The default is for a minimal hardware registration to be performed. For more information, see Software and hardware inventory.


Causes a software registration to be performed on the server after the Agent is installed. By default, the software registration is not performed until the regularly scheduled time. For more information, see Software and hardware inventory.


Force full virtualization registration (default is no registration).


Displays all the options available with the Agent installer command.

--logfile <path>

Specifies the path and file name of the Agent installer log file. By default, the current directory is set as the path. By default, the log file is:


--loglevel <level>

Sets the log level for log messages. <level> must be one of the following: trace, info, warn, or error.

The level error logs the least detail. The level trace logs all messages. By default, the log level is set to info.


Disables anonymous SSL. This option configures the Agent so that browsers cannot connect to its web interface without a valid certificate. This option applies to dormant Agents only. If specified, the dormant Agent will require clients that connect to its web interface to have a valid certificate.


Suppresses a reachability check. The default is to perform a reachability check during fresh installs, and not to perform this check during upgrades.


Does not open the Windows firewall to communicate with the SA core.

By default, the Agent installer will modify the Windows firewall configuration on Windows 2003 (r2) or Windows 2008 servers to allow the core to contact the managed server on port 1002. If you specify this option, the firewall configuration will not be modified and the server may not be manageable by SA.


Specifies that no gateway is needed. Either this option or the --opsw_gw_addr option must be specified.


Prevents the Agent from starting after installation. By default, the Agent is started immediately after installation. See also Starting an Agent after installation.

--opsw_gw_addr <host:port>

Specifies the host and port number of the gateways used during Agent installation. Either this option or --no_opsw_gw must be specified.

--opsw_src_addr ${LOCAL_IP}

Connects to the core using the network interface that has the associated IP address, ${LOCAL_IP}.

LOCAL_IP will be used as the preferred IP address when the Agent attempt to create connections with the core. If the connection fails, then a new connection will be attempted again without LOCAL_IP. The OS automatically takes the IP address of the last successful connection and this IP address will be the new LOCAL_IP.

--password <password>

Specifies the password for the user specified in the --username option. This option is only used by the --customer_id option.


Causes the server to be rebooted after the Agent is installed, but only if required.

During Agent installation on a Windows server, the Agent installer copies the file ogshcap.dll to the following location:


If the file is open or is in use, the Agent installer is unable to copy this file. The Agent installer then asks the user whether to restart the machine and copies the file after restart.

You can also specify --reboot on the command line to initiate the reboot at the end of the Agent installation.


Remediates the server against any software policies attached to the server, including all software policies specified in the --software_policy option. For more information, see "Software management" in the SA 10.51 Use section


Resets the Agent configuration file to the default settings.

--rpmbin <path>

Specifies the path to the RPM handler to use for RPM operations. Use this option, when an RPM handler is already installed on the server.

If an RPM handler is not already installed on the server, use the --withrpm option instead to install one.

It is not necessary to use this option with the --withrpm option.


Sets the time on the server to that of the core.

If the managed server’s clock is significantly ahead of the clock on the SA Core, the clock on the managed server will be set back. Since this can cause problems, do not use the --settime option unless you are sure that this scenario is not a problem in your environment.

If a managed server’s clock is significantly behind the clock on the core, the Agent installation might fail. To install an Agent successfully, use the --settime option or manually set the time and date on the managed server before retrying the Agent installation.

--software_policy <ID>

Attaches the software policy <ID> to the server. <ID> must be the name of a software policy in the SA Library. If you want to remediate the software policy immediately, specify the --remediate option. For more information, see "Software management" in the SA 10.51 Use section.


Specify the host name or IP address of the Data Access Engine component. If you specify this option, you must also specify the --no_opsw_gw option.

--username <name>

Specifies an SA user name. This option requires the --password option. This option is only used by the --customer_id option.


Installs Windows MSI 2.0 along with the Agent. If Windows MSI 2.0 is already installed, this option has no effect. Works with Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 or later.


Installs the RPM handler with the Agent. By default, an Agent is not installed. It is recommended that you always include the --withrpm option when you install Agents on Solaris servers.

Use this option only with the Agent installers for Solaris 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10. On Solaris 5.8 and 5.9, RPM 3.0.6 is installed in the directory /opt/opsware/rpm. On Solaris 5.10 x86, RPM 4.4.4 is installed in the directory /opt/opsware/rpm. The RPM database is installed in the directory /opt/opsware/rpm.

On AIX, RPM 3.0.5 is installed in the directory /opt/freeware and the RPM database is installed in the directory /var/opt/freeware/lib/rpm.

If an RPM handler is already installed, you can use the --rpmbin option.

--workdir <path>

Specifies the path to the Agent installer temporary working directory. Use this option if the default working directory causes problems with installation.

--wsus_cfg_args <args>

Arguments (double quote enclosed if more than one) for the WSUS configuration script:

--setupConnection (mandatory)

--wsusURL (optional) - specifies a WSUS URL that overrides any custom attributes already set for the selected managed servers.

--ignoreWSUSModeCheck (optional) - ignores that WSUS patching mode is not enabled on the core.

--wsus_cfg_skip Does not run the WSUS configuration script.


Starting an Agent after installation

You can manually start the Agent on a server as follows:


  • For systemd agents: systemctl start opsware-agent.service
  • For other startup configurations: /etc/init.d/opsware-agent start


/sbin/init.d/opsware-agent start


/etc/rc.d/init.d/opsware-agent start


net start opswareagent

Verifying the Agent functionality

To verify the Agent functionality:

  1. From the navigation panel in the SA Client, select Devices > All Managed Servers. The All Managed Servers list appears. Browse the list to find the server whose Agent installation you want to verify. If necessary, open the server and select the correct customer and facility for the server and then click File > Save.

    Or, search for the server whose agent installation you want to verify.
  2. Verify that the server appears in the All Managed Servers list and has the correct properties.

    See Search for servers based on agent information and for more information.
  3. If you want to discover reasons why a server is unreachable, you can run a Communication Test. See Running server communication tests - SA Client for more information.