Use > Server Automation > Agent installation and upgrade utilities > Uninstall an Agent on UNIX and Windows

Uninstall an Agent on UNIX and Windows

To uninstall Agents on Windows NT, Windows Scripting Host 5.1 or Internet Explorer 5.5 must be installed on Windows NT.

To uninstall an Agent on UNIX or Windows:

  1. Log into UNIX as root user. Log into Windows as Administrator.
  2. Change directories to any directory other than the Agent's installation directory.
  3. On UNIX, enter the following command:


    By default, for Solaris and AIX, the Agent Uninstaller will not remove the SA RPM package. For command line options for the agent uninstaller, including how to activate removal of the SA RPM package, Agent uninstaller options.
  4. On Windows, enter the following command:

    msiexec /x <installation_directory>\bin\agent_uninstall.msi

    You can also use the Windows Control Panel’s Add or Remove Programs option to remove the Agent.
  5. As the uninstall proceeds, the UNIX platform stdout shows the uninstallation progress. The Windows uninstall does not show uninstallation progress.

Agent uninstaller options

When you use the Agent Uninstaller, you can include the options that the following tables

Agent uninstallation UNIX options




Show the uninstaller version.


Show this help.


Do not deactivate the server; by default, the server is deactivated.


Do not prompt for confirmation before deactivating the server.


Remove the OPSW RPM package (AIX, Solaris only). Use the following commands to remove the RPM package:

Solaris: pkgrm -n OPSWrpm

AIX: installp -u rpm.rte

Agent uninstallation Windows options




Do not deactivate the server; by default the server is deactivated.


Do not prompt for confirmation before deactivating the server.

During Agent Uninstallation on a Windows server, the Agent Installer removes the ogshcap.dll file from the following location:


If the file is open or is in use, the Agent Installer is unable to remove the ogshcap.dll file. The Agent Installer then prompts the user to restart the machine and removes the file after restart.