Install > Oracle setup for the model repository > Troubleshooting system diagnosis errors

Troubleshooting system diagnosis errors

If an additional privilege (permission) has been made manually to the database, when SA performs a system diagnosis on the Data Access Engine, an error message might be generated. For example, if an additional grant has been made to the truth.facilities table, the following error appears:

Test Information 
Test Name: Model Repository Schema 
Description: Verifies that the Data Access Engine's version of the schema
matches the Model Repository's version. 
Component device: Data Access Engine ( 
Test Results: The following tables differ between the Data Access Engine and the Model Repository:  facilities.

To fix this problem, revoke the grant. For example, if you need to revoke a grant on the truth.facilities table, log on to the server with the database and enter the following commands:

su - oracle
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL>grant create session to truth;
SQL>connect truth/<truth passwd>;
SQL>revoke select on truth.facilities from spin;
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL>revoke create session from truth;