Use > Software management > Remediate and installing software > Install/uninstall software without a software policy > Step 6 (Optional): Set email notifications for installation/uninstallation

Step 6 (Optional) - Set email notifications for installation/uninstallation

Set email notifications to alert you or other users on the success or failure of the installation or uninstallation process. You can associate a Ticket ID to identify and track this job.

To specify email notifications:

  1. By default, your email address will appear in the list of recipient email addresses.
    • To add additional recipients, click Add Notifier and enter the email addresses in the Email Address of Recipient field.
    • To remove a recipient, select the recipient and click Remove.
  2. For each recipient, select the options for when to send an email notification:
    • On Success: sends email to recipient if the job succeeds.
    • On Failure: sends email to recipient if the job fails.
    • On Termination: sends email to recipient if the job is terminated.
      • Termination occurs when you stop an actively running job via the End Job action.
      • This notification does not apply to jobs that are canceled before they are run.
  3. In the Ticket ID field, enter a unique text string to identify this job. This string will appear in the email notifications.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Job Status step.

The Job Status window will appear without any details until you start the job. See Step 7 - Run the installation/uninstallation and view job status.