View job status

The Job Status window displays detailed results of a job that has completed or is in progress. The Status bar displays relative progress throughout the job.

To view the details of each action in a job, select an action row in the table. The detail steps for the selected action appear in the details pane.

You can also perform any of the following optional actions:

  • Click Export to export the job status results to a text file.
  • Click Expand All or Collapse All to expand or collapse all the action sets.
  • Click End Job to stop the job. See Terminate an active installation/uninstallation or remediation job.
  • Click Close to close the window. To view job status later, click Jobs and Sessions from the SA Client navigation pane, and then double-click on the job to view details.

For more information about SA Client job logs, see the SA 10.51 Use section for information about job logs.