Archiving audit results

Some audits yield numerous results, especially audits that are scheduled to run on a recurring basis. Archive all audit results to keep a record of all audit results run from an audit. When you archive an audit result, SA removes its connection to the original audit; however, the results and targets of the audit are kept intact.

To archive audit results:

  1. In the navigation pane select Library > By Type > Audit and Remediation > Audits.
  2. Select an operating system: Windows or UNIX.
  3. Select an audit.
    In the details pane below the audit list, you see all audit results associated with the selected audit.
  4. To archive an audit result, select it, right-click, and then select Archive.
  5. In the Continue Archive Audit Result window, you are asked to confirm that you want to archive the audit result and remove the reference to the audit. Click Yes to archive the audit result and remove the link between the result and the audit.
  6. To view all archived audit results, in the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Audit and Remediation > Archived Audit Results.