Exporting audit results

You can export an audit result to CSV, HTML, XML, and JSON formats.

To export audit results:

  1. In the navigation pane, select Library > By Type > Audits.
  2. Select Windows or Unix.
  3. Select an audit. Audit results appear in the panel below the list of audits.
  4. Right-click an audit result.
  5. Select Open.
  6. In the Audit Result window, choose Actions > Export.
  7. Select one of the following formats:
    • CSV,
    • HTML
    • XML
    • JSON,
  8. In the Export window, choose a folder for the exported contents, a file name, an Encoding type, and a file type.
  9. Click Export.
    The export-progress bar appears. Before SA connects with the server, the status bar is in indeterminate mode and displays the message: “Fetching data...”. Once a connection is established, the bar displays export progress status in terms of number of export tasks completed.
  10. Click Stop to stop the export process.
  11. Click Run In Background to close the progress window and continue to run the export process in the background.

    When you click Run in Background, a temporary window appears for a few seconds in the lower right corner. Click the link in this temporary window to reactivate the progress bar display.
  12. For non-HTML export types, click Close to close the progress bar display when the export process is complete.

    If the audit export type is HTML, the progress window closes automatically when the export process is complete, and the audit results are displayed in a browser.
  13. Open the file to view the exported information.


To view the exported CVS information correctly, open the .csv file with a text editor, turn off word wrap, and extend the text window horizontally.