Use > Application deployment > Deploy an application > Undeploy a deployment

Undeploy a deployment

When you deploy a version, you can request that the previous version be undeployed—if a previous version was, indeed, deployed. From the Jobs screen, you can manually undeploy the most recent version that you have deployed. Your Application Deployment administrator can undeploy any version.

Regardless of whether an undeploy operation is initiated automatically or manually, the process and outcome is the same.

An undeploy operation removes the components in the reverse order in which they were deployed. The undeploy instructions are specified when the component is defined. If undeploy is disabled for a component, that component is not removed.

Undeploy behavior by component type

Component type

Undeploy behavior


Remove the files from the default install location.


Execute the undeploy script, if one was specified in the component.

Configuration File

Execute the OS-specific undeploy script maintained by your Application Deployment administrator.

Application Configuration

Remove the Application Configuration.

Software Policy

Detach the Policy from the server, and remediate.


If the deploy method is Policy, detach and remediate the policy containing the packages.

If the deploy method is Package, remove the packages.

OO Flow

Initiate the specified OO Undeploy Flow (if one was specified).

DMA Flow

Execute the specified DMA Flow (if one was specified).

Windows Registry

Execute the Windows-specific undeploy script maintained by your Application Deployment administrator.

An undeploy operation removes any trace of the version. It does not attempt to return the server to a specific state.

To manually undeploy a version:

  1. Go to the Jobs screen (click Jobs in the lower left corner).
  2. In the Jobs Log table, select the row corresponding to the deployment that you want to undeploy.
  3. Click Undeploy. The Undeploy Job dialog opens.
  4. Click Yes. An undeploy job is created and started.