Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Using Task Planner > Configure the recommended maximum number of tasks

Configure the recommended maximum number of tasks

HPE Service Manager processes planned tasks sequentially. Therefore, if you plan a large number of tasks for a single phase in a workflow, you may experience slow performance when a record moves to that phase and the tasks are processed.

To help prevent users from planning too many tasks and degrading the system performance, you can configure the recommended maximum number of tasks for phases. When a record that has more than the maximum recommended number of tasks is saved, a warning message is displayed to the current user.

To configure the recommended maximum number of tasks, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Process Designer > Configuration > Settings.
  2. In the Suggested Maximum Task Number in Task Planner field, enter the desired maximum number of tasks for each phase. By default, the value is 10.

    Note We do not recommend that you configure a value over 10.

  3. Click Save in the toolbar to save your changes and exit.