Unload error messages

HPE Service Manager displays an error message if it cannot successfully unload an external file.

Unload error message Description
Invalid unload append/create parameter. Valid parameters are append or create for the unload append/create input field.
Select ONE export format: binary, text, or formatted text. Valid entries are binary, text, and formatted text for the unload mode input field.
Invalid unload dbdict load parameter. Valid entries are create, replace, and remove for the unload dbdict input field.
Unload mode must be export. When you specify an export descriptor record, you must set the unload type to export for the unload mode input field.
Invalid unload record load parameter. Valid entries are update and add only for the record load input field.
No unload filename. Type an external file name for the unload file.
The unload format must be binary for Purge/Archives. Select the binary unload format when purging or archiving records.
<database name> file unloaded to external file:
<Unix filename>
Unload processing the named database to the Unix file complete.
External file: <UNIX.filename> is locked; try again later. Another task has exclusive control over the named external file.
The config record (database load/unload) is missing. The hardware configuration record database load/unload.unix or database load/unload.winnt required for database loads and unloads has been deleted or renamed. It must be replaced.
<nn> records unloaded so far from <database name> file to <unload file> The unload utility generates this message every hundredth record it attempts to unload.
<database name> file cannot be unloaded to external file: <UNIX/NT.FILENAME>. Service Manager could not connect to the named external file.
unable to allocate. This message occurs in two distinct situations:

The unload utility attempted to connect to a non-existent external file causing the message to be generated. However, the unload utility will attempt to dynamically allocate the Unix/NT filename. If the dynamic allocation is successful, confirmation messages will follow. In this situation, it does not indicate an error condition.

The unload utility attempted to connect to a non-existent external file causing the message to be generated. The subsequent attempt to dynamically allocate the Unix/NT filename failed causing the message to be generated a second time. Other error messages will follow indicating the error condition.
Application:file.unload has completed with errors; check other messages. An error exit condition has occurred; check the message log for the error message indicating which exit.
Invalid unload options specified for unload, no records unloaded. Since the unload options were invalid, no records were unloaded.