Develop > Operational Reports Guide > Report Descriptions and Usage > Service Desk Reports > Interactions Resulting in Related Issues

Interactions Resulting in Related Issues


The Interactions Resulting in Related Issues report breaks down all closed interactions category 'incident' in a given time period by area (access, data, failure, hardware, performance, security) and then by sub-area (authorization error, login failure, data or file corrupted, system down, etc.). This report contains a graphical representation of the breakdown of all closed interactions using a bar graph. You can double-click any bar to display a detailed breakdown of that area by sub-area. This report organizes the information using groups and sub-groups to help users quickly view percentages and total counts by area and sub-area of the closed interactions.

Customer Value

This report enables the user to review Service Desk interactions which were not solved by the Service Desk and resulted in related Incidents for a given time period. This information can be used by service management process managers and the IT management team to identify areas in which the Service Desk does not have the knowledge to solve the issue. And the knowledge may be provided by the Service Desk.