Use > Service Catalogs > Service Catalog management > Using the Service Catalog WSDL for external fulfillment of requests

Using the Service Catalog WSDL for external fulfillment of requests

Service Manager allows you to connect to and consume external Web Services. When you connect to an external Web Service, Service Manager retrieves the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file for the service and converts it into a set of JavaScript functions. Service Manager stores the JavaScript functions in its local ScriptLibrary. You can then write custom JavaScript to call these Web Services JavaScript functions and send and receive SOAP messages to the remote Web Service.

For example, you can query external Web services to enable fulfillment of Service Catalog requests from external applications such as Asset Manager. The Service Catalog Web Services and Asset Manager Out-of-Box (OOB) connector is already setup to consume external web services through Service Manager's standard support. See the related topics for an example of the Service Catalog WSDL.