Use > Service Catalogs > Service Catalog management > Localizing Service Catalog items, bundles, and categories

Localizing Service Catalog items, bundles, and categories

A Service Catalog manager can localize a catalog item, category, and bundle. The Service Catalog localization wizard enables a catalog manager to view and localize the name, descriptions (short and long), and user options in any of the languages HPE Service Manager supports for catalog items and bundles. The localization wizard also enables a Service Catalog manager to localize the name and descriptions (short and long) for a Service Catalog category.

To localize a Service Catalog item, bundle, or category the Service Catalog manager should first log on to the system in English and then use the localization wizard to localize items, bundles, and categories.

If you have a large number of Service Catalog records to localize or you want you use an external service to localize your data, use the import/export functions to create text files and then import the translated files into Service Manager. You can also export data to Excel using the functions available in Service Manager.

The parameter, language:utf8, in the HPE Service Manager initialization file ( sm.ini) is required to Import and Export catalog items. The best practice is to localize all data to the desired language before a user starts using the Service Catalog.