Add a Service Catalog non-cart category

Applies to User Roles:

Service Catalog Manager

Before you can add non-cart items, you must create a non-cart category for them.

To add a non-cart category:

  1. Click Administration > Manage Catalog.
  2. Click Add New Category.
    When you launch the New Service Catalog Category wizard, Service Manager prompts you for the required information.
  3. Type a Category Name and brief Description.
  4. Click Next.
  5. For a new category, click Top Level.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify that the new category will contain items/bundles.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click OK to confirm the new category.

    Service Manager adds the new category, and the new category record is displayed.

  10. Select the Non-cart category checkbox.
  11. On the Access tab, select one or more capability words to make this item available to certain users; or leave this field blank to make it available to all users.
  12. Click Save.

    Now you can add non-cart items to this category. The items will be displayed on the Items/Bundles in this Category tab of this category record.