Use > JMX Reference > Administration Methods > How to Enable CI Properties Validation On SDK APIs

How to Enable CI Properties Validation On SDK APIs

If CI properties validation in SDK APIs is not enabled when other products use SDK APIs to push CIs to UCMDB, it might happen that some CIs have no data in the properties or history tabs in UCMDB. In this case, you need to enable CI properties validation on the following SDK APIs:

  • com.hp.ucmdb.api.client.topology.CreateCIsAndRelations
  • com.hp.ucmdb.api.client.topology.ModifyTopologyBulk
  • com.hp.ucmdb.api.client.topology.UpdateCIsAndRelations

To enable CI properties validation on these SDK APIs,

  1. On the UCMDB server, launch the Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console
  2. Enter the JMX console authentication credentials (Login name = sysadmin).

  3. Locate the setSettingValue operation in the UCMDB:service=Settings Services category.

  4. Provide values for the following fields:

    customerID: <Customer ID> (Default: 1)

    name: enable.classmodel.validation.sdk.api

    value: true (Default: false)

  5. Click Invoke.