Use > Modeling > Introduction > Topology Query Language > The Use Update Value Policy Qualifier

The Use Update Value Policy Qualifier

This qualifier is used to mark attributes that enable minor deviations to their value. For example, there is probably no need to report a small disk size change (from 8.00008 to 8.00009 GB).

When updating an attribute that is marked with this qualifier, Universal CMDB checks the new value against the old value. This check is performed on the server as part of the record update. If the difference between the two values is smaller than the allowed deviation, an update is not performed (the action is considered a false update).

When the qualifier is selected, the Insensitive Value Deviation parameter applies. Enter a value in the box and select Percent or Absolute Value from the drop-down list.

When Percent is selected, the Insensitive Value Deviation must be between 0 and 100. Deviations of a smaller percentage than this value are considered false updates.

When Absolute Value is selected, the following rules apply:

  • For numeric attributes, the Insensitive Value Deviation must be of the same type as the attribute
  • For date attributes, the Insensitive Value Deviation must be an integer, and denotes the deviation in milliseconds

Deviations smaller than this value are considered false updates.

By default, Use Update Value Policy is enabled for the following numeric or date attributes only:

  • CIT: Node

    • MemorySize

    • SwapMemorySize

    • These attributes also include comparable and static qualifiers.

  • CIT: CPU

    • CpuClockSpeed

  • CIT: Filesystem

    • Disk_size

To deactivate the qualifier:

Access the Infrastructure Settings Manager (Managers > Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager). Locate the Allow Volatility option. Change the value to False.

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