Use > Modeling > Introduction > Topology Query Language > Subgraph Definition

Subgraph Definition

A subgraph definition enables you to create a graph that represents additional TQL query data related to a specific CI. The DFM job searches for the results from both the TQL query and the subgraph definitions. The query recursively retrieves all related CIs for a defined depth matching the definition of the subgraph. For details on defining subgraph definitions, see Subgraph Definition Dialog Box.

In the graph, you can define the relationship that is connected to a specific query node. For example, if one of the query nodes is of type node, you can specify different relationships for Windows, router, and IP Address. You can also define attribute conditions for query nodes. For details, see Subgraph Condition Definition Dialog Box.

DFM jobs retrieve data that meets the criteria defined in the subgraph.

For an example of a subgraph definition, see How to Create a Subgraph Definition – Scenario.

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