Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting and Limitations – Discovery Modules > Agent Driven Inventory Discovery Troubleshooting

Agent Driven Inventory Discovery Troubleshooting

This section describes troubleshooting for the Agent Driven Inventory discovery.

Data Flow Probe Side

  • Problem: The functional issues on the Data Flow Probe side related to network, SSL authentication, or business logic itself might occur.


    • To troubleshoot network or SSL authentication issues, add the following lines to

      #################         JETTY  Details      log                  #####################
      log4j.appender.JETTY_DETAILS_FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=<%d> %-4r [%-5p] (%F:%L) - %m%n
    • Make sure that the port for Agent Driven Inventory discovery is enabled properly by checking the following parameters in the file.

  • Problem: By default, the maximum connection limitation from UD Agent is 200. However, it may cause heavy workload on Data Flow Probe.

    Cause: By default, the two-way SSL authentication is enabled. Every byte of the scan file needs to be decrypted by Data Flow Probe, which consumes many CPU cycles.

    Solution: To protect Data Flow Probe from massive scan file uploading, a light weight flow control is implemented between Data Flow Probe and UD Agent.

    • On the Data Flow Probe side, a new parameter com.hp.ucmdb.discovery.probe.agents.probemgr.agentdrivenflow.maxconcurrentupload in the file is introduced to limit the maximum concurrent uploading. The default is 80.
    • Before uploading any scan files, Agent tries to check whether Data Flow Probe is busy. If the Probe is busy, it postpones the uploading and tries later.
    • The default value of this parameter is suitable for most of scenarios.
    • For the environment where the network connection between Probe and Agent is fast, it is not recommended to increase the parameter value.
    • For the environment where the network connection between Probe and Agent is slow, you can increase the parameter value to 60–80.

    Note Agent Driven Inventory discovery does not consume too much memory, so generally no need to reserve extra memory for it.

UD Agent side

  • How to validate whether Agent Driven Inventory discovery is activated and works properly

    • A standalone thread in UD Agent checks whether the Agent option SCHEDULER_Enabled is enabled periodically.
    • If the value of SCHEDULER_Enabled is set to True and SCHEDULER_ProbeBaseURL is provided, the Agent Driven Inventory discovery is activated. For details about these options, see UD Agent options.
    • When the Agent Driven Inventory discovery is activated, it works as follows:

      • Disable Call Home for this Agent, because it can do everything that Call Home does.
      • Check whether the scanner executable files, scanschedule.txt, and scan configuration files exist in the Agent Data folder. If not, it tries to download necessary resources from Data Flow Probe.

        Note The Agent Data folder is located in:

        • In Windows, <C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Hewlett-Packard\Universal Discovery\Data>
        • In UNIX, $HOME/.discagnt/aioptionrc
      • When every related resource is present, Agent tries to upload the scan files for the scan schedule defined in scanschedule.txt.

      • Agent will schedule a scan based on the schedule definition, time frame white list, and schedule priority for schedules that fit the same time frame.
  • How to enable debug messages

    1. Go to C:\discagnt.dbg in Windows or /discagnt.dbg in UNIX.
    2. Add the following text in discagnt.dbg:


  • How to find log messages

    Log messages are written to the discagnt.log file. This file is located in:

    • (For Windows 7 and later) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Hewlett-Packard\Universal Discovery\Data\discagnt.log
    • (For Windows 2003 and earlier) C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data\Hewlett-Packard\Universal Discovery\Data\discagnt.log
    • (For UNIX) $HOME/.discagnt/discagnt.log

    Note To troubleshoot the network related issues in UD Agent, run Agent in the command line or Shell, which might create more log messages in console.

  • UD Agent options

    • Location

      • In Windows, open Registry Editor, and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Hewlett-Packard\Universal Discovery\V1\Options.
      • In UNIX, go to $HOME/.discagnt/aioptionrc
    • Description

      Options Description

      Specifies whether to enable the Agent Driven Inventory discovery. Setting True to enable it.


      The base URL for the UD Agents. For example, https://<FQDN>:8453/rest/agent/

      Note Make sure that this URL is reachable for UD Agents. Otherwise, Agent Driven Inventory discovery will not work.

      SCHEDULER_ScannerVersion The scanner version provided by Data Flow Probe.
      SCHEDULER_ScanScheduleVer The scan schedule version provided by Data Flow Probe.

      Postpones the scanning in Agent Driven Inventory mode if the CPU consumption is higher than the specified value.

      The maximum postpone time period is 40 minutes.

      The recommended value is 70–90.

      This option is only available in Windows, Linux, and macOS.


      Postpones the scanning in Agent Driven Inventory mode if the memory consumption is higher than the specified value.

      The maximum postpone time period is 40 minutes.

      The recommended value is 70–90.

      This option is only available in Windows, Linux, and macOS.


      • UD Agent postpones the scanning if either of CPU usage threshold or memory usage threshold is reached.
      • Other UD Agent options started with SCHEDULER_ are created during the runtime of Agent Driven Inventory discovery flow and modified by Agents dynamically. Do NOT modify them if you are uncertain about the consequence.
  • Problem: UD Agent with the Agent driven flow enabled cannot connect to Data Flow Probe after being installed with the out-of-the-box certificate setting.

    Solution: Run the following command to check if there is an Alias name as smartagent in the Data Flow Probe Truststore:

    <DataFlowProbe_Home>\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -list -v -keystore <DataFlowProbe_Home>\conf\security\HPProbeTrustStore.jks -storepass logomania

    If not, do the following:

    1. Download and extract the smartagent.crt file to your local directory.
    2. Run the following command:

      <DataFlowProbe_Home>\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -alias smartagent -file <smartagent.crt file path> -keystore <DataFlowProbe_Home>\conf\security\HPProbeTrustStore.jks -storepass logomania
    3. Restart Data Flow Probe.