Architecture > Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

The hot-standby configuration gives you passive recovery on a disaster. It is extremely critical for the database to have the best recovery method. The UCMDB just needs to connect to the database.

Note The version of the hot-standby server should be exactly the same as the Application server version (or CUP version).

CMS Architecture

Disaster Recovery Process

For UCMDB version 10.10 and older, follow the process below:

  1. Execute the SQL statements:

    Update CUSTOMER_REGISTRATION set CLUSTER_ID=null; truncate table CLUSTER_SERVER; truncate table SERVER; truncate table CLUSTERS.

  2. Connect the hot-standby server to Database by using the connection wizard.
  3. Re-connect all the probes to the hot-standby server.

For UCMDB versions after 10.10, you can install a new UCMDB instance of the same version and then connect to the database by using the connection wizard.