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Change Requests Widget

The Change Requests widget presents the Change Requests related to the selected CI. CI Overview mode displays the total number of Change Requests for each Change Request state. Widget Details mode displays a list of all the Change Requests related to the CI and all their details. The Change Request widget is presented only when Micro Focus Service Manager (SM) configuration element is enabled and configured in the Infrastructure Settings in UCMDB. All data presented is taken from the UCMDB federated RequestForChange CI and its relationships.

Note The Create Time for federated CIs will show the Open Time of the Change Request in SM. Using non federated RequestforChange CIs (populated with other integrations) will cause the Create Time to be the time when the Change Request was created in UCMDB and not the time when the Change Request was opened in the external data source.

A Change Request is considered related to a CI if it meets one of the following criteria:

  • All Change Requests linked directly to the CI.
  • If the selected CI is a Model: All Change Requests linked to all the CIs contained in that model (meaning, any other contained model or CI).
  • If the selected CI is a Person: All Change Requests that are connected to all the CIs owned by that person.

  • In all other cases: All Change Requests that are linked with a composition link to the selected CI (for example: Running Software to Windows Server).