Develop > Application Programming Interface > Legacy APIs > Catalog API > Update service offerings approval policy

Update service offerings approval policy

Use this API to update the approval policy for multiple service offerings published in the specified catalog.


URI /catalog/<calalog_id>/policy/<policy_id>/setCatalogSOApprovalPolicy

Use Catalog API to get the catalog ID. Use List offerings in the catalog to get a catalog's service offering IDs, and List organization's approval policies to get all the approval policies for an organization. Traverse through the list to get the approval policy for the service offering.
Method POST

Required; the user ID you want to use as credentials for this API call. See Get userIdentifier for the steps required to get the userIdentifier value.

Request Body The request body contains the list of service offering IDs that are to be updated.
Response Body The response body will be a MessageListVO with success and failure messages.
Returns 200 - Ok
401 - Not authorized
404 - Object not found
500 - Server exception


The following URL was sent:

https://<host>:<port>/csa/rest/catalog/8a81818f3d4251ed013d46c2b7f602bc/ policy/8a81818f3d4251ed013d46cc8590012c/setCatalogSOApprovalPolicy? userIdentifier=90d96588360da0c701360da0f1d5f483

The following XML was sent in the request body:


The following XML was returned:

  <messages>Updated approval policy of action of ORDER for service offering with id 8a81818f3d4251ed013d427c75e5005d</messages>
  <messages>Updated approval policy of action of MODIFY_SUBCRIPTION for service offering with id 8a81818f3d4251ed013d427c75e127c3</messages>
  <messages>Failed to set approval policy for service offering with id 12345. The service offering is not found.</messages>