Configure the Notification Properties

HTML notifications are enabled by default in the hcm-csa.yaml file. You can configure the properties to change the defaults, if you wish.

To configure the notification properties, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/WEB-INF/classes/hcm-csa.yaml file in a text editor.
  2. If you wish, you can change the default values for the csa.notification.type and/or csa.notification.cacheTemplates properties, as follows:

    Property Description

    Defines the type of email notification: html or plain text.

    • html enables custom HTML notifications.
    • text enables the legacy text-based notification.

    Note If email templates are defined, but the value is set to text, the emails will be sent as plain text.

    Default: html


    Once an email template is used to send an email, it is cached by default. Caching the notification templates improves the I/O performance while sending the notifications. If any notification template used by CSA is changed, then the changes will not be seen in later notifications unless the CSA service is restarted.

    The value of csa.notification.cacheTemplates may be set to false during development of custom notifications so that a service restart is not required every time a notification template is changed.

    Default: true

  3. Save any changes and exit.
  4. Restart the CSA pod. See Restart or redeploy individual deployments for instructions.