Create a Side-Bar Menu

The Cloud Service Management Console is made up of predefined menus that launch predefined pages. You can customize the dashboard by creating side-bar menus in the dashboard that launch custom pages.

Menus are defined in a configuration file and the menu definitions determine what is displayed in the Cloud Service Management Console. The default dashboard configuration file defines a primary dashboard that consists of enabled menu items and disabled menu items, a sub-menu (launched from the Design menu), and a disabled sample launcher sub-menu. Information about menu attributes and values defined in the configuration file is included in the steps below. See Add a Launcher Sub-Menu for more information about how to add a secondary dashboard.

To create a Cloud Service Management Console menu item, do the following:

  1. Make a backup of the (missing or bad snippet) dashboard configuration file.
  2. Edit the config.json dashboard configuration file.

    In the configuration file, the menu defined for a dashboard are configured sequentially. That is, the first menu definition configured in a dashboard definition is the first menu item displayed in the dashboard. The second menu definition is the second menu item displayed. For example, in the default dashboard configuration file, the first menu item definition configured in the primary dashboard is the Organizations menu. The Organizations menu is the first menu displayed in the Cloud Service Management Console dashboard. The second menu definition is the Resources menu and it is the second menu displayed in the Cloud Service Management Console dashboard.

    Determine where you want the menu item to appear in the dashboard and find the location in the configuration file. For example, if you want a menu to appear between the Organizations and Resources menu items in the dashboard, find the location between the Organizations and Resources menu definitions. If you want the menu to appear as the last menu item, find the end of the last enabled menu definition.

    1. Copy the sample menu definition, whose id attribute is set to blanktile, and place it in the selected location. The following is an example menu definition (multiple menu definitions are separated by a comma):

         "id": "<tile_id>",
         "name": "<tile_name>",
         "description": "<tile_description>",
         "enabled": <true_or_false>,
         "style": "<tile_style>",
         "target": "<tile_target>",
         "data": "<tile_data>",
         "helptopic": "<tile_helptopic>",
         "roles": ["<role_1>", "<role_2>", ... , "<role_n>"],
      "permissions": ["<permission_1>", "<permission_2>" …, "<permission_n>"]

    2. Update the attribute values in the menu definition as described in the table.

      Attribute Description
      id A unique identifier of the menu in this dashboard among all menus defined for this dashboard.

      The name of the attribute in the or
      messages_<locale>.properties file that defines the name of the menu that is displayed on the dashboard (where <locale> identifies the language to which the title has been translated, for example, en for English or ja for Japanese).

      The file may appear in the <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/
      directory. If the file exists in both directories, the value defined in <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/
      takes precedence.


      The name of the attribute in the or
      messages_<locale>.properties file that defines the description of the menu that is displayed on the dashboard (where <locale> identifies the language to which the title has been translated, for example, en for English or ja for Japanese).

      The file may appear in the <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/
      directory. If the file exists in both directories, the value defined in <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/
      takes precedence.

      enabled Enable or disable the menu in the dashboard. If set to true, the menu is displayed in the dashboard. If set to false, the menu is not displayed in the dashboard.

      The name of the attribute in the <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/
      file that defines the color of the menu's header that is displayed on the dashboard.

      If you are creating an assistance menu (that is, you set target to assistance), you must set this attribute to a pre-defined style named assistance.


      The type of page launched when the menu is selected. Values include:

      • iframe - An iframe or page is launched within the same dashboard or page.
      • page - A new page is launched outside of the dashboard or page.
      • dashboard - A sub-dashboard is launched within the same dashboard or page.
      • assistance - If the data attribute is defined, a new page is launched outside of the dashboard or page. If the data attribute is not defined, no page is launched and the menu simply contains content defined by the description attribute. The style attribute must be set to assistance.

      What is launched, based on the type of target.

      If iframe or page is the type of target selected, enter a URL or relative path (relative to the location of this file, <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/) and filename of a Java server page to display. For example, enter or /csa/administration/index.jsp.

      If dashboard is the type of target selected, enter the unique dashboard id attribute of the dashboard to display. For example, the Designs menu of the main dashboard launches a sub- or secondary dashboard. The id of the secondary dashboard is designs therefore you would set the value of this attribute to designs.

      If assistance is the type of target selected and if you enter a value for this attribute, a Learn More link is displayed in the assistance menu. Clicking the Learn More link launches a page with the content defined by this attribute. Enter a URL or relative path (relative to the location of this file,
      <PERSISTENT_VOLUME_PATH>/sync/csa/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/) and filename of a Java server page to display. For example, enter or /csa/administration/index.jsp.

      helptopic If the type of target selected is iframe, this is the name of the help topic that is displayed when the Assistance icon on the page is selected. If the type of target selected is page, or dashboard, or assistance, this attribute is ignored.

      The role required by the user in order for the menu to display in the dashboard. One or more roles may be entered. However, only one role must match the user role in order for the user to see the menu. Roles must be enclosed in quotation marks and, if more than one role is entered, separated by a comma (for example, "CSA_ADMIN", "RESOURCE_SUPPLY_MANAGER"). If no roles are specified, the menu can be seen by all users.

      Values include:

      • CONSUMER_SERVICE_ADMINISTRATOR - The Consumer Service Administrator configures and manages consumer organizations.
      • CSA_ADMIN - The Administrator has access to all functionality in the Cloud Service Management Console.
      • RESOURCE_SUPPLY_MANAGER - The Resource Supply Manager creates and manages cloud resources, such as resource providers and resource pools.
      • SERVICE_BUSINESS_MANAGER - The Service Business Manager creates and manages service offerings and service catalogs.
      • SERVICE_DESIGNER - The Service Designer designs, implements, and maintains service designs (also referred to as blueprints), component palettes, component types, component templates, and resource offerings.
      • SERVICE_OPERATIONS_MANAGER - The Service Operations Manager views and manages subscriptions and service instances.

      See the "Role Descriptions" help topic in the Cloud Service Management Console for more information about these roles (navigate to Organizations > Access Control > Role Descriptions in the online help).

      permission The user permissions required by the user in order for the menu items to display in the dashboard. If both permissions as well as roles are defined, the user must have one of the matching entries to be considered valid.
    3. Save and exit the file.
  3. Log in to the Cloud Service Management Console to view the menu. If you are already logged in, clear the browser cache (see Clear the web browser cache for information about how to clear the web browser cache) and refresh the browser. Clearing the browser cache is optional (a troubleshooting step).