Create Component Template Properties

  1. In the left pane of the Sequenced Components area, select the component palette that contains the component type whose template properties you want to create.
  2. Click the component type whose template properties you want to create.
  3. Select the Templates tab.
  4. In the component templates list, click the component template whose properties you want to create.
  5. Click Create.
  6. In the Create Property dialog, select a type and enter values, and then click Create.

Property types and values

TypeProperty information
  • Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Display Name — A unique name for the property.
  • Description — A description of the property.
  • Consumer Visible — Select this option to indicate that this property will be made visible in the Marketplace Portal.
  • Property Value — Select either True or False.
  • Resource Type and Unit for a Measurable Property — Select the resource type and unit, which are used to influence provider and pool selection and resource accounting. You must set this to a value other than None to make this property measurable and available for configuration on a resource offering. You can also specify the resource type and unit simply to clarify the intent of the property. Note that when creating a Source Binding for a service component, a best practice is that both the service component property you are creating and the service component property you are binding to will have the same Resource Type and Unit value.
  • Property Value — Select or type a positive or negative whole number or zero. If you enter a decimal number, the value will be truncated to the nearest integer. The maximum allowed integer value is 2147483647 and the minimum is -2147483648; if you enter a value outside these bounds the value will be automatically converted to the closest maximum or minimum value.
  • Property Value
    • Click the Add Value icon to add a new list item, and provide the following information:
      • Display Name- The label that will be displayed for the list item.
      • Value - The value of the list item.
      • Description A description of the list item.
      • Click Create to add the list item.
    • Click the Edit icon to edit the selected list item.
    • Click the Remove icon to remove a selected list item.
  • Property Value — Type a string of characters. Click the gear icon to select a property value token. See Select Tokens for a description of the tokens.
  • Confidential Data — Select this box to mask the values so that they cannot be read in the Marketplace Portal; no encryption of the value is performed.