Email notifications

An email notification is sent when there is a change to the subscription status, when a request needs to be approved or denied, or when a request has been approved or denied. The automatically-generated email message is sent to users who have been configured to receive notifications. The same email notification is also sent to the Marketplace Portal and can be viewed in the Notifications area of the Marketplace Portal. In order for these email notices to be sent, the SMTP Server Setting must be configured for the organization.

From the Email Notifications page, configure the SMTP server used to send email notifications. You can also configure the sender for the organization email notifications and text added to the beginning of the subject line of the notification.

To configure the mail server for CSA

Note If you are configuring CSA to be compliant with FIPS 140-2, configure CSA for FIPS 140-2 compliance before configuring this item. Refer to the Cloud Service Automation FIPS 140-2 Compliance Configuration Guide for more information.

  1. In the organization's navigation frame, select Email Notifications.
  2. Provide or update the following information:

    SMTP Server Settings
    Item Description
    Hostname The fully-qualified domain name ( or IP address of the SMTP-compliant mail server that acts as the gateway for email notifications.
    Port The port used to connect to the mail server when sending email notifications. The default SMTP port number of 25 should be changed only if your email server has been specifically configured using a non-standard port.

    Connection Security
    Item Description

    If the mail server is configured to require https (http over SSL), select the SSL checkbox.

    Requires Authentication

    If the mail server requires you to log in before accessing it, select the Requires Authentication checkbox and provide the following information:

    • User ID: User whose account is used to email notifications from the mail server.
    • Password: Password of the user account.

    Email Source Settings
    Item Description
    Sender Email Address Email address to be used as the sender of the email notification.
    Subject Prefix Text added to the beginning of the subject line of the email notification.

    Subscription Expiration Notification
    Item Description
    Notification Before a Subscription Expires From the drop-down list, select how far in advance a subscriber will be notified before a subscription expires.

  3. Click Save.