General information

General information appears at the top of the organization's page in the Cloud Service Management Console. To change the appearance of the Marketplace Portal, click the Portal Customization section (see Portal customization).

To configure general information about an organization

  1. In the organization's navigation frame, select General Information.
  2. Provide or update the following information:

    Organization Identifier

    A unique name that CSA assigns to the organization. For a consumer organization, this name is based on the name entered when the organization was created.

    This identifier is used in the URL used to access the Marketplace Portal, as seen in the next field. See the Cloud Service Automation Configuration Guide for more information.

    Organization URL

    A URL for connecting to the Marketplace Portal for the organization.

    Organization Display Name

     A unique name that identifies the organization.

    DescriptionA description of the organization.
    Organization Logo

    An image that represents the logo of the organization.

    The logo may appear in the following locations:

    • The Cloud Service Management Console - Top left of an organization's page.
    • The Marketplace Portal - Top left of the login screen and top left of each portal page.

    From the Select Image screen, click Upload Image to add your own image. Supported file extensions include .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png. The recommended image size is 256 by 256 pixels, and the image will be scaled to the appropriate size. The images are stored in the %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\images\library folder of the CSA server.

  3. Click Save.