Use > Providers > Provider Resource Pools > Resource Pool Tasks

Resource Pool Tasks

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Edit a resource pool - Click the gear icon and select Edit. See the table in Provider Resource Pools for the items you can edit.
  • Delete a resource pool - Click the gear icon and select Delete. A resource pool cannot be deleted unless the Current CSA Utilization for each resource configured on the pool is zero.
  • Refresh a resource pool - Click the gear icon and select Refresh.
  • Synchronize a resource pool - Click the gear icon and select Synchronize. This action automatically updates the Resources tab information with the latest information. The Synchronize action is available only when a Resource Synchronization Action is configured. Resource synchronization does not occur automatically and is performed only on demand. The default timeout for a resource synchronization action to complete is one hour. The timeout is not configurable.
Note: The Last Synchronized field in the Overview tab of the resource pool indicates the last time (local client time) a resource synchronization action on a resource pool completed successfully. Content in this screen does not automatically update. You must refresh this screen after the resource synchronization action completes.