Edit Service Component Properties

The following information is displayed:

Item Description

Determines the kind of value that can be assigned to the property. The available types are:

  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • List
  • String

You cannot change the type once the property has been created.

Display Name The label that will be displayed for the property. Hover the cursor over a display name to show the unique name (Name) and description (if supplied) of the property.

The value of the property. What is entered for the value depends on the property type:

  • Boolean — A property whose value is true or false.
  • Integer — A property whose value is a positive or negative whole number (or zero). The Resource Type and Unit for a Measurable Property, if configured, is displayed in parentheses (see Create component type properties for more information).
  • List — A property whose value is a list of string values.
  • String — A property whose value is a sequence of characters.

If the property has a property mapping, the value displayed is the component and property from which the value is mapped. Property mappings are configured from the design canvas. See Property mapping for more information.

If the property has a target binding, the value is mapped from a subscriber option at runtime (when a subscription has been created). Target bindings are configured from the Subscriber Options tab. See Sequenced design subscriber options for more information.

Note If a property has a target binding, by default (until runtime) the value displayed is the value that was configured when the property was created.

If the property is mapped to a token (String properties only), the value displayed is the name of the token (a token is a system value that is automatically resolved internally when the property is read). See Select Tokens for a description of the tokens.

If the property is configured as Confidential Data (String properties only), the value is masked (no encryption of the value is performed).


If a component has references, you can click View References to see the component properties to which this property is mapped and the subscriber option properties from which this property has a target binding. A component property that has a property mapping (its value is mapped from another property) is not considered a reference. See View Component Property References.


The attributes configured for the property such as:

  • Inherited — The property is inherited from a component type.
  • Consumer Visible — The property will be made visible in the Marketplace Portal.
Actions The gear icon, when selected, allowing you to edit or delete the property (if the action is permitted on the property). See the descriptions of these actions in the Tasks section below.


  • Navigate to (the Properties tab) — Select a service design version. Click the Designer tab. Select the service component on which you want to complete the task. In the right pane, click the gear icon, select Edit Component, and select the Properties tab.
  • Create a property — Click Create. Enter the information described in the table above (see also Create component type properties) and click Create.

    A service component property cannot be created if the service design is published.

    Property mappings are configured from the design canvas. See Property mapping for more information. Target bindings are configured from the Subscriber Options tab. See Sequenced design subscriber options for more information.

  • Edit a property— Click the gear icon next to the component property to be modified and select Edit.

    A service component property cannot be edited if the service design is published.

    The name of a property cannot be edited if the design is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the component existed in that prior version.

  • Delete a property — Click the gear icon next to the component property to be deleted, and select Delete.

    A service component property cannot be deleted if the design is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the component property existed in that prior version. Component properties that are newly added to the current version of the design can be deleted.