Use > Sequenced Designs > Subscriber options > Add subscriber option sets and options

Add subscriber option sets and options

Note The Subscriber Options tab is read-only if the design is published.

To add a subscriber option set and options:

  1. Select the service design version whose subscriber options you want to configure.

  2. Select the Subscriber Options tab.
  3. Click Add Option Set. You can also click the Copy Option Set and Paste Option Set buttons to copy option sets, both within and across designs.
  4. Click Add Option to add an option to an option set. You can use this functionality to create a hierarchy of option sets that is up to three levels deep:
    • Option Set 1
      • Option
        • Option Set 2
          • Option
            • Option Set 3
              • Option

You can copy and paste option sets or options within a design, between designs, and within a tree within a design. The copy includes the entire structure, including property bindings when copied within the same design. When pasting options or option sets into a new design, bindings will not be copied and you will need to manually configure them.

After copying and pasting an option set or option, changes to the original option set or option do not impact the newly created option set or option or vice versa.

After an option set has been created, you can configure the following values for the option set on the right side of the window:

  • Display Name — The display name for the option set.
  • Description — A description for the option set.
  • Image — An image that displays for the option set. Click Edit Image. Choose the image you want, and click Select. Click Upload Image to add your own image. Supported file extensions include .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, and .png. The recommended image size is 256 by 256 pixels, and the image will be scaled to the appropriate size. The images are stored in the %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\images\library folder of the CSA server. The image you select will be displayed in the Offerings area and in the Marketplace Portal.
  • Modify Options — Check Modifiable during service modification to allow the subscriber to modify this option set in the Marketplace Portal after a subscription has been ordered. If checked, ensure that all property bindings from options in the option set exclusively target properties that are themselves modifiable during service modification. Unchecking prevents a subscriber from changing the selected values of this option set when modifying the subscription in the Marketplace Portal.

After an option has been created, you can configure the following values for the option:

  • Property Type — The property type for the option. Select List, String, Boolean, or Integer from the drop-down list.
  • Display Name — The display name for the option.
  • Description — A description for the option.
  • Properties — Click the tools icons to modify the properties for an option (Copy Property to All Options, Configure Bindings, or Delete Property.)
  • Single-Select — Select this option to present options as radio boxes in the Marketplace Portal. A subscriber is required to select a single value.
  • Multi-Select — Select this option to present options as check boxes in the Marketplace Portal.

For descriptions of the additional icons available on the Subscriber Options tab, see Sequenced design subscriber options.