Use > Operations > View Subscriptions for an Organization > Resume or Cancel a Paused Subscription

Resume or cancel a paused subscription

A paused subscription is a subscription that has stopped being provisioned in response to an error occurring during the initial order of the subscription. For more information about paused subscriptions, see View subscriptions for a user.

To resume a paused subscription

  1. When a subscription is paused, a notice displays below the Overview, Events, Topology, and Provider tabs.
  2. To resume the subscription provisioning, you must first fix the issues that caused the provisioning to fail and then click Resume.

To cancel a paused subscription

If the root cause of the provisioning failure cannot be resolved, you can cancel a paused subscription.

  1. When a subscription is paused, a notice displays below the Overview, Events, Topology, and Provider tabs.
  2. To cancel the paused subscription, click the gear icon and select Cancel.

The following actions are performed in response to a request to cancel a paused subscription:

  1. Invokes On Failure phase actions on any service component, resource offering, or resource subscription that failed and had caused the subscription to be paused.
  2. Sends a notification to the subscriber indicating that the paused subscription cannot be resumed because the underlying cause has not been resolved, and the subscription is being canceled.
  3. Submits a cancel subscription request on behalf of the subscriber, canceling the user’s subscription.