Component capability

The Capability tab is visible for concrete components.

Concrete components can claim support for a capability component. A supported capability includes a reference to the capability component, including property mappings between the capability component and the concrete component. A single capability, such as Web Server, can be supported by multiple concrete components. However, a concrete component can only support a single capability.

A capability component can be included in a design to indicate that a concrete component supporting that capability is required in order to successfully provision the design. Designs that include capabilities are referred to as partial designs and require composition with one or more other designs in order to be provisioned. For additional information on partial designs, see Testing a topology design.


View the following information about the capability:

  • Supported Capability — The display name of the supported capability, if any. Supported capabilities are provided out-of-the-box for some concrete components.
  • Property mappings — A list of each Capability Property and the Component Property from which it gets its value.

Note To use Provider Type mapping property in the Operations tab, for Parameter Mapping, you must associate the component with a provider type.

Perform the following tasks:

  • Add Supported Capability — Click this link or Add to enter information in the Add Supported Capability dialog. You cannot add a capability if the component is being used by a topology design.
  • Edit a supported capability — Click Edit to modify capability and component properties. You cannot edit a capability if the component is being used by a topology design.
  • Remove a selected capability. Click Remove to remove the supported capability and all property mappings from this component. You cannot remove a capability from a component if the component is being used by a topology design.
Item Description
Selected Capability Choose a capability to add to this concrete component. You cannot edit this field after a supported capability has been added.
Property Mappings For each Capability Property in the list, do one of the following:
  • Select a Component Property from which the Capability Property gets its value.
  • Leave the Component Property as Not Set.

Any capability property that has the same 'property name' as a concrete component property (using a case-sensitive string match) is automatically mapped.