Component operations


View the following information about the operations:

  • Display Name — The display name of the operation.
  • Parameters — The parameters associated with the operation.
  • Visible — This label displays if the operation is visible to the subscriber. If this label does not display, the operation is not visible to the subscriber.

Use the corresponding icon or button to:

  • Import an operation — Click Import. You can import an operation, assign a lifecycle action (for example, Deploy or Undeploy), and edit operation parameter mappings. For example, you can import a new Operations Orchestration operation into an existing Chef component.

    To import, select one or more Operations Orchestration flows to import as new operations. Each item you select will create a separate operation on the topology component.
  • Edit an operation — Click the gear icon for the operation and select Edit.

    Note You cannot edit operations on an abstract component or a capability component.

Complete all steps in the Edit Operation wizard:

  • Delete an operation — Click the gear icon for the operation and select Delete.
Item Description
  • ID - A unique identifier for the operation. You cannot edit this field.
  • Display Name - The name that displays for the operation.
  • Description - The description that displays for the operation.
  • Visible - Use the check box to indicate if the action is visible in the Marketplace Portal.
  • Lifecycle Action - Select (none) for user operations that will be exposed to subscribers in the Marketplace Portal. Otherwise, select a lifecycle action that will be used during provisioning or de-provisioning:
    • Deploy – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase realize a component during the provisioning of a design that is using the component.
    • Deploy failure handler – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase handle failures that occur during the execution of the Deploy lifecycle phase action on a component as part of provisioning a design.
    • Undeploy – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase deprovision a component during the deprovisioning of a service instance that is using the component.
    • Undeploy failure handler – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase handle failures that occur during the execution of the Undeploy lifecycle phase action on a component as part of deprovisioning a design.
    • Modify – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase are executed on a component during the modification of a realized component in a service instance, when the service instance is modified by the Modify Subscription operation.
    • Modify failure handler – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase are executed for the cleanup of failed Modify actions on a component during the modification of a service instance.
    • Unmodify – Actions specified in this lifecycle phase revert the effect of modification on a successfully modified component. This action occurs during the rollback of an unsuccessful overall modification transition of the service instance due to failure occurring on another component that is also subject to modification. The result is that the service instance reverts to the state it was in prior to the modification operation.


  • Input Parameter Mappings - The list of input parameters and their configured parameter mappings for this operation. Click the appropriate icon to edit an input parameter. See below for more information about editing.
  • Output Parameter Mappings - The list of output parameters and their configured parameter mappings for this operation. Click the appropriate icon to edit an output parameter. See below for more information about editing.

Edit Parameter Mapping


To edit an existing parameter mapping, click the Edit Parameter Mapping icon.

  • Name - The unique name for the parameter.
  • Display Name - The name that displays for the parameter.
  • Description - The description for the parameter.
  • Required - Use the check box to indicate if the parameter is required.
  • Mapping Type - Select the mapping type for the parameter mapping.
    • Component Property - Select to map the parameter to or from a property on this component. Select the component property in the Value list.
    • Constant Value - Select to provide a constant value for the parameter. Enter the constant value in the Value field. This is not available for output parameters.
    • Context Property Token - Select to map the parameter to an execution context-dependent value. Tokens represent values that are not known at design time; the value depends on the context of the action execution. For example, the execution may require information about a subscriber, or it may require session information. Select the token in the Value list.
    • Multiple Properties - Map to multiple properties. Click Add Parameter to create additional parameters.
    • Not Mapped - Select to provide no parameter mapping.
    • Provider Property - Select to map the parameter from a property on the resource provider that is used to provision the component. Enter the name of the resource provider property in the Value input field.
    • Relationship Target Property - Select to map the parameter from a property on a different component that this component has a relationship to. Select the proper relationship in the Relationship list, and then select the component property in the Value list.
    • User Value - Select to prompt the user for a value during design execution. This mapping is valid for user operations only. When a user operation is executed, the user is asked to provide values for all parameters mapped to the User Value.
    • User Value List - Select to map the parameter to a list item.

      • Switch to Static Entry (default) - Enter the name and value for an entry in the list. After the value entry, a new item line is displayed automatically.

      • Switch to Dynamic Entry - Enter or select a JavaScript.

        • Manage Scripts - To add, download, edit, or delete scripts, click Manage Scripts. For more information, see Manage Scripts.
        • Configure Parameters - To configure the parameters that should be supplied when running the selected script, click Configure Parameters. For more information on Configure Parameters, see Configure Parameters for Dynamic Entry List.