Use > Marketplace Portal > Services > My Services > Filter My Services

Filter My Services

By default, the My Services view displays all categories, your newest services first, and all service states. Use the following filters to display certain services:

Tip In the My Services view, use the Search filter to find a certain service by keywords. Enter text that represents what you are looking for so that the user interface filters out these specific items.

All Categories

You can subscribe to a variety of services, such as application servers, email servers, or web hosting services. You can filter by these services, as categories, to easily navigate to and review your subscriptions.

All Service States

From the All Service States drop-down list, select one of the following filter values.

Note: The following table describes the service instance statuses and their corresponding subscription statuses.

Service Instance Status Description Corresponding Subscription Status
Online The service instance is active. Active
Reserved The service instance has not started because the start date for the subscription is in the future. Pending
Deploying The service instance is being deployed. Pending

The service instance is being reserved for deployment.


A service instance–affecting modification that was made to the subscription or a service-affecting action that was requested for the service instance has not been completed.

Pending (The subscription returns to the Active state after the modification is completed.)

Modify Failed A service instance–affecting modification that was made to the subscription or a service-affecting action that was requested for the service instance failed. Active
Failed The service instance deployment failed. Failed


The service instance is no longer available because the subscription was canceled or expired. Canceled or Expired
Canceling The service instance is being canceled. Pending
Cancellation Failed The service instance cancellation has failed. Active
Expiring The service instance is expiring. Pending
Expiration Failed The service instance expiration has failed. Active
Upgrading The service instance is being upgraded. Pending
Upgrade Failed The service instance upgrade has failed. Active
Public Action Failed The action could not be completed due to a software or hardware issue. Public actions (reboot, start, or stop) only apply if the subscription is Active. Active (The service might not be available.)

Newest First

From the Newest First drop-down list, select one of the following filter values:

Option Description
Newest First Your most recent service, based on the date the subscription started, is the first service in the list. This is the default.
Oldest First Your oldest service, based on the date the subscription started, is the first service in the list.
Most Expensive Your most expensive service.
Least Expensive Your least expensive service.
Alphabetical The list is ordered alphabetically, from A to Z.
Reverse Alphabetical The list is ordered in reverse alphabetical order, from Z to A.