Use > Marketplace Portal > Services > My Services > View My Service Details

View My Service Details

In the My Service Details view, you can see information about a service instance and request actions for a service instance.

Note The buttons and options displayed in the My Service Details view depend on your user role. Different user roles have different set of permissions to perform actions. For more information on user roles and their associated permissions, see User Roles.

Information displayed in the My Service Details view varies because it is based on the service offering to which you subscribed. This information might include the IP address, version, and uptime data for the service instance and component information, such as the number of registered and active users on an LDAP server and the date the LDAP server was last backed up, if your service instance includes an LDAP server.

You can execute actions on, or issue commands to, many of the components of a service instance. The actions you can execute on a service instance vary and are based on the service offering to which you subscribed. For example, if your subscription is for a server, you might be able to execute commands that start, stop, reboot, suspend, pause, unpause, and resume the server.

The My Service Details view provides information in the following sections:

Manage Subscription—This link redirects you to detailed information about the subscription, where you can request actions for a subscription.

Service Details—This section shows information about the offering that fulfills the service, such as the name of the service offering, the name of the service design, the expiration date and time, and the owner. You can also click View Service Topology to see the topology diagram. Health status and capacity information is displayed for active subscriptions and services if the CSA administrator has it configured.

Service Components—These are the individual services that compromise your overall service delivery. Click the Refresh button to reload information about service components. In this section, for a certain service component, select its corresponding settings icon to request an action on a service, such as reboot, pause, resume, and so on. Click the Open Console button to access the provisioned virtual machine from the browser.

To view service details

  1. In the Dashboard, in the More Actions section, select the My Services tile to open the My Services view.

    By default, all services are displayed in date order, with the newest services listed first.

  2. Scroll up or down the list to browse services.

  3. When you find a service that you are interested in, select its icon or name to display the My Service Details view.
  4. (Optional) Click Manage Subscription to open the Subscriptions Details view for the service. See View Subscription Details.
  5. (Optional) Click View Service Topology to show a topology diagram of the service instance, including summary information.
  6. In the Service Components section, for a certain service component, select its corresponding settings icon to request an action on a service, such as Clone Pattern, Build Resource Provider List, and Log Messages.
  7. In the Service Action dialog, click Execute. A service request will be filed and will be subject to approval. After it is approved, your service will show the action performed.

    When user clicks Execute then semantic validation is executed.

    Validation blocks User Interface until the result is calculated and if it fails, then similar validation report is used as for parameter restrictions in Marketplace Portal.

  8. Wait for the Success dialog and then click OK.