Use > OO Designer > Set up the Workspace > Set up and Work with Source Control Management > Set up Source Control Management for the Project

Set up Source Control Management for the Project

Using the Git functionality, you can either connect to a remote repository on a server (recommended), such as, Stash, or connect to a shared file system.

Why do this? If you work in a multi-author environment, working with a source control management tool enables you to save your project in a centralized location and share content with other authors. It also enables you to recover or revert changes.

In order to set up Source Control Management (SCM) for OO Designer, you need to import a Git repository to your workspace. There are several protocols that you can use to import the repository:

  • HTTPS (secured)
  • SSH (secured)
  • File System (not secured) - use this protocol if you do not have a Git server account

Note If you already have an unversioned project in your workspace (i.e., saved locally and not part of the Git repository), when you import a repository, this project will be added to your local version of the repository. You will be able to commit and push this project to the remote repository. For more information about committing and pushing, see Work with Source Control Management (SCM).

Note If the projects in the repository do not have the right structure, they will not appear in the project pane and you will not be able to edit them in OO Designer.