Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions > Creating and managing custom attributes

Creating and managing custom attributes

SA can store a large amount of information about your managed servers. Custom attributes provide a way for you to store additional information about your servers quickly and easily. Custom attributes are data elements you can create for servers and device groups.

You can create custom attributes for servers, device groups, customers, facilities, OS installation profiles, and software policies. Custom attributes values are string values.

Tip Custom fields are another way to store additional information about your servers. For more information on custom fields, see Custom fields. See also Comparing custom fields and custom attributes.

To add, delete or modify the value of a custom attribute for a server:

  1. In the SA Client navigation pane, select the Devices tab.
  2. Select the All Managed Servers node.
  3. Select a server.
  4. To view the custom attributes defined for the server, select Custom Attributes from the View drop-down selector. This displays all the custom attributes defined for the server.
  5. Select Actions or right click the server and select Open. This displays information about the server.
  6. Select the Information tab in the navigation pane.
  7. Select Custom Attributes in the navigation pane. This displays all the custom attributes defined for the server.
  8. To add a new custom attribute, select the “+” icon and enter the name of the custom attribute.
  9. To delete a custom attribute, select the custom attribute and select the “-” icon.
  10. To change the value of a custom attribute, double click the value column in the appropriate row and enter the new value.
  11. Select File > Revert to discard all your changes.
  12. Select File > Save to save your changes.

Custom attributes changes are reflected in the History panel for servers, device groups, OS installation profiles, and software policies.