Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions > Methods of running extensions

Methods of running extensions

You can run extensions in any of the following ways.

  • From Managed Servers, by selecting a server first: Select one or more servers in the SA Client, right click or select Actions, then select Run Extension. This applies only to certain program extensions. For details, see Run extensions on managed servers.
  • From the SA Client Library:
    1. In the SA Client, select Library > By Type > Extensions > Web or Program to run an extension. Choose an extension, then:
      1. Double-click the extension.
      2. Right-click the extension and select Run....
      3. Select Actions > Run....
    2. In the SA Client, select Library > By Folder to run an extension, then navigate to the extension and open it: select Actions > Run....
  • From the Global Shell (program extensions only): From the Global Shell, run
    /opsw/apx/bin/<extension name> where <extension name> is the unique name of the extension. Provide any parameters the extension requires.
  • From a web browser (web extensions only): From a web browser, enter the URL https://<SA core>/webapp/<extension name> where <SA core> is the IP address or host name of your SA core and <extension name> is the unique name of the web extension.
  • From the SA API (program extensions only): From the SA API, use the method ProgramAPXService.startProgramAPX(). For more information on the SA API, see the SA 10.50 Developer Guide.

Most extensions cannot run on VMware ESXi hypervisor servers because SA does not install an agent on ESXi servers. Instead, SA manages ESXi servers through the VMware vCenter virtualization service. For more information, see "Virtualization management" in the SA 10.50 User Guide.

Tip When using the global shell to run an APX that seeks information on a managed server, such as the System Diagnostics APX, the agent for that server must be running. Attempting to run the APX when the agent is turned off will result in an error.