Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions

Running SA extensions

HPE Server Automation(SA) gives you the capability to extend its functionality by creating Automation Program Extensions (APXs). This section describes the APX extensions feature and how to run extensions.

Tip For information on how to create APX extensions, see “Extending SA with Automation Platform Extensions (APXs)” in the SA 10.50 Developer Guide.

APX extensions provide a framework that allows anyone familiar with script‑based programming tools such as shell scripts, Python, Perl, and PHP, to extend the functionality of SA and create applications that are tightly integrated into SA. SA provides two types of APX extensions:

  • Program APX extensions run in the Global File System (OGFS) and can use all of the OGFS functionality. You can use typical programming practices to leverage the SA API and access a core’s Managed Servers to implement new custom functionality. For example, you could write an APX extension that gathers BIOS information from managed servers and populates custom fields using shell commands.
  • Web APX extensions allow you to create a web-based application, where either an Apache 2.x process or a CGI/PHP script is called using GET or POST URL. Web APX extensions can contain static web resources such as images, and can employ CGI or PHP for dynamic content generation.

APX extensions allow you to access data about your managed environment and share and process that data with web applications, scripts, programs and other custom applications.