Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions > Adding scripts to extensible discovery > Removing your scripts from managed servers

Removing your scripts from managed servers

When you run Extensible Discovery, it copies your scripts in “Customer Provided Scripts” to the specified managed servers. To remove the scripts from the managed servers, perform the following steps. For this scenario, assume you have a script named wrapped in the file

  1. Create a new version of your .zip file with a new version number, for example
  2. Copy everything from the old .zip file into the new .zip file, except for the script you want to remove from managed servers, in this example.
  3. Import your .zip file into a package in SA.

    For convenience, you can place your packages in /Opsware/Tools/Extensible Discovery/Customer Provided Components. Make sure your imported package specifies the proper target operating system.

    For instructions on importing packages, see "Software management" in the SA 10.50 User Guide.
  4. Open your package in the SA Client and set the Default Install Path property to one of the following and save your changes.
    • UNIX: /var/opt/opsware/extensible_discovery/scripts
    • Windows: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Opsware\extensible_discovery\scripts\. SA replaces %ProgramFiles% with the appropriate system Program Files directory.
  5. Open the software policy “Customer Provided Scripts”. If you are using your own software policy, open your policy.
  6. Remove the old .zip file, in this example.
  7. Add your new .zip file, in this example.
  8. If you are using the software policy “Customer Provided Scripts”, Run Extensible Discovery as described below. This removes your script from the managed servers.

    If you are using your own software policy, remediate the managed servers. This removes the scripts from the managed servers.