Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions > Adding scripts to extensible discovery > Scripts provided with extensible discovery

Scripts provided with extensible discovery

The following scripts are included with Extensible Discovery. These scripts are automatically executed on the selected managed servers when you run Extensible Discovery.

Scripts included with extensible discovery

Script name

Operating system



Returns the operating system level. (Uses the AIX command oslevel -s.)


Returns the date the operating system was installed. The date value is formatted to be placed in a custom attribute or a string type custom field, but not a date type custom field.


Returns the BIOS version.


Returns the EEPROM (or OBP) version when run on Sparc servers. Otherwise returns the BIOS version.



Returns the BIOS version.

These scripts will create custom attributes with the name HPSW_ED_firmware_version or HPWS_ED_oslevel. If you want the return values to be placed in custom fields, you must create custom fields named HPSW_ED_firmware_version and HPWS_ED_oslevel before running the extension, and the return values will be stored in the custom fields you created. If the custom fields don’t exist, Extensible Discovery will create custom attributes on each server and place the data in the custom attributes.

These scripts are in the SA Library under /Opsware/Tools/Extensible Discovery/HPE provided Components. To view these scripts, in the SA Client select Library, By Folder and navigate to the HPE provided Scripts folder. Select a .zip file and select Actions > Export Software.

If you do not want these scripts to execute on managed servers, remove them from the “HPE provided Scripts” software policy as described in Software policies provided with extensible discovery below.