Use > Server Automation > Running SA extensions > Adding scripts to extensible discovery > Software policies provided with extensible discovery

Software policies provided with extensible discovery

Extensible Discovery uses two software policies that contain the scripts it runs to gather information from managed servers. Extensible Discovery automatically remediates these policies on managed servers and runs the scripts in them.

  • HPE provided scripts: This software policy contains the HPE-provided scripts listed in Scripts included with extensible discovery. It is located in the SA Library under /Opsware/Tools/Extensible Discovery/HPE Provided Components.
  • Customer provided scripts: This software policy is initially empty. You can place your custom scripts in this software policy as described below and Extensible Discovery will use your scripts. It is located in the SA Library under /Opsware/Tools/Extensible Discovery/Customer Provided Components.

When you run Extensible Discovery, it remediates these policies on the selected managed servers and runs all the scripts in these policies. If you don’t want any of the scripts in these policies to run, remove them from the policy.

Extensible Discovery copies the scripts in these policies to the following directories on the managed servers:

  • /var/opt/opsware/extensible_discovery/scripts/ on UNIX systems.
  • %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Common Files\Opsware\extensible_discovery\scripts\ on Windows systems.

Extensible Discovery runs all the scripts in these directories regardless of how the scripts got there.

You can use these software policies or create your own software policies, but if you create your own, you must remediate them on managed servers where you want to run Extensible Discovery. For more information on software policies, see "Software management" in the SA 10.50 User Guide.