Install > Preinstallation tasks > System requirements for installation > Check the free disk space requirements

Checking the free disk space requirements

This section describes the free disk space (in addition to the operating files system) requirements for any SA Core Server.

Core server disk space requirements

On each Core Server, the root directory must have at least 72 GB free hard disk space (beyond the file system needs of the operating system). SA components are installed in the
/opt/opsware directory. The following table lists the recommended free disk space requirements for installing and running SA Core Components. These sizes are recommended for primary production data. You must calculate additional storage for backups separately.

Disk space requirements

SA Component Directory

Recommended Free Disk Space

Requirement Origin



50 MB

Configuration information for all SA Core services. (Fixed disk usage)

/media *

15 GB

SA Provisioning: The media directory holds the OS installation media that is shared over NFS or CIFS. The initial size for this directory depends on the total size of all OS installation media sets that you plan on provisioning, such as Windows Server 2003 CD (700mb), Red Hat 3 AS CDs (2GB), and SUSE 9 SP3 (10GB). The network OS install shares do not need to reside on SA core systems and are typically dispersed across multiple servers as the Multimaster Mesh grows. (Bounded disk usage that grows quickly in large increments)


25 GB

The base directory for all SA Core services. (Fixed disk usage)

/unn/app/oracle ...

1 - 2 GB
19 - 20 GB
19 - 20 GB

For an SA installed Oracle RDBMS, /u01 contains the Oracle software files. /u02 - /unn contains the Oracle tablespace directory that contains all model and job history information. Known sizes range from 5GB to 50GB of space, depending on the frequency and type of work, the amount of software and servers managed, and the garbage collection
frequency settings. (Bounded disk usage that grows slowly in small increments)


80 GB

The total log space used by all SA Core Components. (Fixed disk usage)


30+ GB

The total run space used by all SA Core Components, including instances, *.pid files, *.lock files, and so on.

Variable disk usage - some package importers can increase the recommended 30 GB requirement. This is because the Package Repository temporary directory requires a significant amount of space for Windows and Solaris 10 patching uploads.

By default, the Package Repository temporary directory is available at /var/opt/opsware/wordbot_tmp and configurable in /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot.args.

HPE recommends that you add another 25 GB for each Windows and Solaris 10 patching solution used.

/var/opt/opsware/word +

80 GB

(Infrastructure host only) The total run space used by all SA Core Components, including instances, pid files, lock files, and so on. (Fixed disk usage)

/var/opt/opsware/word * +

80 GB

(Infrastructure host only) The total disk space used by software that is imported into SA. Theoretically, this is infinite disk usage depending on how much software you import. Initial size calculation is based on the total size of all packages and patches that you want managed by SA. Known sizes range from 10GB to 250GB.


20 GB

The home directory for the Global File System (OGFS) enabled SA user accounts.


*The entries marked with an asterisk are directory path defaults that you can change during the installation process. The recommended disk space for these directories is based on average-sized directories, which could be smaller or larger, according to usage.


+All installed Slices Component bundle hosts will remotely NFS mount these file systems.


For performance reasons, you should install the SA Components on a local disk, not on a network file server. However, for the Software Repository, you can use a variety of storage solutions, including internal storage, Network Attached Storage (NAS), and Storage Area Networks (SANs).

Model Repository (Database) disk space requirements

Additional disk space is required for the Oracle software and the Model Repository data files. Keep in mind that storage requirements for the database grow as the number of managed servers grows.

As a benchmark figure, you should allow an additional 3.1 GB of database storage for every 1,000 servers in the facility that SA manages. When sizing the tablespaces, follow the general guidelines described in the table below. If you need to determine a more precise tablespace sizing, contact your technical support representative.

Tablespace sizes


MB/1000 Servers

Minimum Size


256 MB

256 MB


256 MB

256 MB


256 MB

256 MB


256 MB

256 MB


3,000 MB

1,500 MB


1,600 MB

800 MB


1,300 MB

700 MB


400 MB

400 MB


1,300 MB

700 MB


400 MB

400 MB

Software repository disk space requirements

The Software Repository contains software packages and other installable files and is part of the Slice Component bundle. Typical installations start with approximately 300 GB allocated for the server hosting the Software Repository. However, more space might be required, depending on the number and size of the packages, as well as the frequency and duration of configuration backups.

Media server disk space requirements

Dependent on your SA Provisioning requirements. This component requires sufficient disk space for the OS media for all the operating system versions you intend to provision.