Install > Preinstallation tasks > System requirements for installation

System requirements for installation

This section describes hardware, software, and network requirements that you must verify for SA Core host servers, agents, and satellites.

Supported operating systems for SA Core hosts and Managed Servers are detailed in the SA 10.51 Support and Compatibility Matrix.

  • You must verify that your SA Core and satellite host servers meet the requirements listed in this section. If you do not, your installation may fail or core performance may be affected.
  • The disk hardware needs to be the same on all the core components.
  • The disks in /var/opt/opsware/vault/omb and the database disks are required to have the same speed.

There may be additional installation prerequisites. See the release notes for this SA version.

This section covers the following prerequisites:

Prerequisite checklist


Status (Done/Not Done)

Transfer installation files to a local disk


Check that the operating system for the SA Core host, agents, and satellites is supported


Check Oracle requirements


Check Veritas File System (VxFS) requirements (optional)


Check the NFS services configuration


Checking the free disk space requirements


Check network requirements


Checking Slice Component requirements  

SA Installer prerequisite checker


Downloading and installing Windows patch management files (optional)


Checking the SA Global File system (OGFS) requirements


Check the Core host(s) time and locale requirements


Installing the Windows Update Service


Checking the user and group requirements


Checking SA Cores on VMs requirements (optional)