Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Using Task Planner > Configuring Task Planner > Remove additional fields from Task Planner

Remove additional fields from Task Planner

Note You cannot remove or modify fields in Task Planner that are present by default (that is, the Title, Task Category, Open In Phase, Close By Phase, Task template, Task Condition, and Assignment Rule fields).

To remove an additional field from Task Planner, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Process Designer > Configuration > Predefined Additional Task Fields.
  2. Select a task file type from the File Name drop-down list, and then click the Search icon to display the additional fields that are configured for that type of task file.
  3. In the table of additional fields, select the row that describes the field that you want to remove, and then click Delete Field.
  4. Click OK in the toolbar to save your changes.