Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Using Task Planner > Configuring Task Planner > Configure the mapping between the parent file and the task file

Configure the status mapping between the task file and Task Planner

The different statuses through which tasks in HPE Service Manager pass do not correspond exactly to the different statuses that Task Planner uses to describe the progress of tasks. In order for the Task Planner graphical interface to display the correct status for each task, you must map the statuses of each task file type to the statuses in Task Planner.

Tip Mapping records for both Change Tasks and Request Tasks are included in out-of-box Service Manager systems.

For more information about the Task Planner graphical interface and a list of the task statuses, see Task Planner.

To create a new map between the statuses of a task and the statuses displayed in Task Planner, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Process Designer > Configuration > Task Planner Mapping.
  2. Click New in the toolbar.
  3. In the Parent File Name drop-down list, select the type of record with which the task is associated. For example, select request.
  4. In the Model File Name field, select the model level for the task. For example, requestModel.
  5. In the Task File Name field, select the name of the task file. For example, requestTask.
  6. In the Task Status Field Name, select the field in the task record that contains the task status. For example, select Status. The left-hand Task Status column in the table is populated with all the values that are defined in the global list for that field.
  7. In the right-hand Task Planner Status column, select the Task Planner status to which you want to map the corresponding task status. For example, map the CMDB Update task status to the In Progress Task Planner status. Repeat this until you have mapped all task statuses to a Task Planner status.
  8. Click Save in the toolbar to save your changes.